Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Timmy and Maria playing with some of the children there.

Brian cooking for all the kids.  We cooked a meal for all the kids and staff.  It was a treat for them to have something different!  They have a menu for each day of the week that repeats over and over, as long as they have those supplies.  There is a bit of difficulty with that right now.  They have had a bad drought for a few years, and are lacking the necessary crops.  Also, because of the economy and the dangers in Mexico, they are not getting much support from the Americans, Mexicans or Canadians.

Zachary working in the kitchen.  It was a family effort to prepare, serve and clean up after that many.  Besides the food for that meal we also brought with us supplies that Cruz said were needed after we asked him if there was anything else we could bring.  We brought over 300 lbs of sugar, cooking oil and eggs.

Joshua entertained the kids with balloons while we finished the meal preparations.  Any time we opened the trailer doors the kids came running.  They could hear it open from far away, and they knew there were fun things in there:)  They would get a balloon animal, a toy, or a treat.

Us with Irma.  She is a missionary who is in Charge of the orphanage right now.  Remedios (she was in charge last time) spends time between two orphanages and was actually taking courses at the Bible college the week we were there.  We were still able to see her and she came for lunch with us on our last day.  I remember as a kid that going out for a meal or a movie (remember twice - Gentle Ben and Close encounters of the Third Kind) or going to Edmonton (usually once a year sometime before Christmas) was a big event.  I think Remedios really enjoyed "going out" for dinner but sometimes I think us blessed crowd have lost sight of the enjoyment of the basics as they are not anything special anymore.

This is Kendra's favorite picture.  Maria was pretty popular with the girls and she had a little following going.  All of our kids started playing with the kids and having fun despite the language barrier and cultural differences.  Joshua had a game going where he kept scaring and chasing the girls.  John had all the boys trying to get his hat.  Josh and Matthias got cornered in the trailer one time as they were blowing up balloons for the kids.  It was good to see.  As far as genetic information is concerened all people have over 99% the same information.  It is about 0.2% that makes us "different"!  God knew exactly what he was saying when he said all men are created equal.  We also need to treat all people equally in the way God does.

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