Saturday, 10 March 2012

I love eating meat!  This hamburger is the skinniest burger ever!  It is half as thick as the slice of ham:)

A Bible school that was started in Samachici, by the guy that also started the orphanages in Corareachi and Napuchies, and starting one more orphanage.  The school is for training native Tarahumara people to be pastors and missionaries.

A little restaurant across the road from the Bible College/ the cabin we stayed in/ and Cruz's house.
Brian and Timmy in the doorway of the little cabin we stayed in while at Samachici
Samachici cabin - living room

Samachici cabin - kitchen

The village of Samachici - it is a small little village just off of the main highway.  We continued on from here on a path up and down and around the mountain and river, to get to Corareachi.
On our way to Coreachi we came across a truck broke down.  There were already a few people behind him and us and another truck that couldn't go by him.  I assessed the situation and went to get my tools.  We were on an uphill slope and when we opened the trialer doors we found one shelf broken from the rough roads and that "contents may have shifted during flight"!!  Jon and Zac dealt with that problem and I got my tools.  The problem was a cracked caliper housing on the front drivers side.  We needed to plug the hole in the bolt that holds the brake hose on and allows brake fluid to pass through it.  The final solution ended up being to plug the hole with the tip of a jack from a set of headphones and then wrap a bit of teflon tape around it and put it all back together.  All of this without speaking the same language!  Kendra was very scared (because she is overly cautious) and I was just ready to help with no thought at all that they could be banditos (blissfully naive).  All went well and there were smilles and handshakes as we went on our way!!(typed by Brian)

 We left the broken shelf propped up beside the road and as suspected it was gone when we went back.  It was part of an old Gazelle's sign and we hope that next time we go we see it put to use making a door or siding a house!!(typed by Brian)
The kids were entertaining this Tarahumara lady on the side of the road as we waited for Brian to help fix the other guy's truck.  Our kids were like little mountain goats climbing up and down the mountain:)
 Very strange to see this sign(new since we were here last) in the middle of nowhere!  Wouldn't be to many people seeing this sign and needing to know the way.  There isn't really a way to get to lost out here:)  Just keep following the path and the river.
An example of the very good parts of the road.

An example of the bit crazier part of the roads.  You just don't know how deep the river is and what exactly is around the corner!  You just hope you can make it around without hurting the truck or trailer too much.  And you have to hope nobody is coming from the other direction:)

Another corner that you are just never sure what is around the corner.  And, not much room for meeting or passing anyone!  Barely one way traffic space:)

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